Ready to Take Control of Your Health?

Get Personalized Guidance and a Boost of Motivation in a FREE 60-Minute Call!

In this one-on-one call we will spend 60 minutes together and you’ll gain clarity on your next steps, boost your confidence, and walk away motivated with a customized plan to get started on a healthier path—tailored specifically to you.

Click Here To Get Started Now

If any of these sound like you, you should book this free call.

✔️ You're exhausted from scrolling through endless health advice online that only leaves you feeling more unsure of yourself and doubting your ability to make the right choices.


✔️ Your most recent bloodwork shows your body is starting to ring the alarm bells, and you know you gotta act, but the thought of making big changes feels completely overwhelming.


✔️ You’ve tried every diet and are done with strict meal plans that never work out for you long term. You want realistic doable actions that fit your life, not a meal plan that'll get abandoned the second Ubereats or happy hour is mentioned.


✔️ You know what you *should* be doing, but life keeps getting in the way. You've tried to make some better choices, but you're stopping and starting because of frequent obstacles and just can’t seem to get any traction.


✔️ The old tactics you’ve used in the past like cardio, cutting carbs and counting calories aren’t working anymore and the scale keeps creeping up. You’re wondering if it’s hormones or your age or genetics and want answers and a solution that’s going to work.


✔️ You want support and personal attention, and a plan designed for YOUR life, goals and health history.

Click Here to Start Your Transformation Today

In other words, this call is for you if

You want to take control of your health and want to feel more empowered and confident to get started.

No matter what's been holding you back in the past, this call will help you get motivated with a clear future wellness vision PLUS actionable steps so you can confidently get started building the healthier lifestyle you deserve.

Click Here & Book Your Call Now

Wait a second Jackie, this call is a whole HOUR, what is the catch? Why are you giving away an hour of your time for FREE?


I get it—an hour sounds like a big investment, especially if you’ve tried diets, gym memberships, or supplements that made big promises didn’t deliver lasting results. But here’s how this call is different: it’s completely focused on YOU, and you'll get a taste of what it's like to work with a health coach and that is the best way to know .ow health coaching is different than what you've tried in the past.

We’ll spend the hour diving into where you are now, where you want to go, what’s been holding you back, creating a vision for the healthier future you that fits your life and the roadmap for how to make that happen.

And yes, I’ll save a little time to explain how my 1-on-1 coaching can take what we cover in the call to the next level.


Here's how it will work:


✔️ Book Your Spot: Click the red button and it'll open my calendar. Choose a date and time that works for you.

✔️ You'll be asked a few quick questions to help me understand where you’re starting from before confirming your appointment.

✔️ The Call: During our 60 minutes together, we’ll talk about your goals, your challenges, and outline a plan tailored to you. We’ll establish where you are now, where you want to go, and your next steps to start closing that gap.

✔️ I'll also show you exactly how my 1-1 coaching helps you bridge that gap of knowing what to do and making it a reality (plus avoiding a lot of the struggle of trying to DIY).

✔️ By the end, you’ll leave with a Wellness Vision and a set of first actions you can take immediately to start seeing results. Whether or not we decide to continue working together, you'll walk away motivated, clear, and ready to take control of your health.

Sound good? Click here & reseve your call

BTW in case you landed here and don't know me yet....

I'm Jackie Castner and I am a PN2-MHC Certified Master Health Coach, soon-to-be NBHWC Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach and Nationally Accredited Certifed Personal Trainer, Women's, Corrective & Senior Fitness Specialist.

In short, I help people like you design their version of the perfect healthy lifestyle and build the healthy habits they need to achieve it - and maintain it.

My coaching philosophy is client-centered, meaning it is all about you! You tell me what your vision for better health is, and I help you get there.

No cookie-cutter plans, diets, gimmicks or agendas to push, I am your guide by your side ready to help you with unconditional positive regard.

Click Here To Book Your Call Now
"Jackie is by far the most amazing coach I've ever worked with.  I have noticed great results, specifically weight loss, muscle gain and increased energy.  Jackie has gone above and beyond, she genuinely cares about her clients."
-Tamara C.
"Working with Jackie has been life changing. Even my husband has picked up new healthy eating habits just from watching me do what Jackie has taught me. Our whole approach and attitude to food has changed and we have both lost weight, feel more energized and are happier and healthier. We can't thank her enough."
- Kristy G.
Here's the button 1 more time - what are you waitin' for :)